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Winter Graduation
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Staff June 2024
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Metro High School

1212 7th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 | 319-558-2193


Metro Activities


Metro High School – Spring Graduation

May 21, 2025 7:00 pm

A message from our principal


At Metro High School we focus on getting to know all of our students so that we can best support their individual educational development.  Each student is recognized and accepted as an individual with unique interests and abilities, all carrying their own story and needs.  Metro is designed with the development of the whole learner in mind.  We strive to create learning opportunities and an environment where students can have a voice in their growth and their community while connecting with at least one adult in the building.  At Metro High School, we all have a part and responsibility in creating our positive and supportive environment. #WhateverItTakes

Mark Groteluschen

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