Food/Hygiene Pantry
Each year approximately 85 families utilize Metro High School’s food pantry. Metro’s food pantry differs from other school pantries. They are short-term only, including resources to educate students and families in household management. In an urgent situation, the pantry will provide students with a bag of food that goes into a backpack that can last either a night or a weekend. A family can request a food box with ingredients to make seven meals. Hygiene products are also available. All food boxes and bags include resources for students and families. The information includes recipes for preparing the meals to get the most out of what they have, along with a list of food resources with other pantries and ready-to-eat meals sites. Additional information includes budgeting money and better planning, in general, to empower students and families to make the best decisions they can.
Help keep our Food/Hygiene Pantry stocked with your financial assistance! We have three levels of sponsorship:
- Black: $20 provides a basic food box
- Silver: $25 Black box plus protein
- Purple: $30 Silver box plus hygiene products
Donations can be sent to Metro High School, Attn: Mary Cruise/Food Pantry,
1212 7th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401.

Clothing Rack
Metro has a variety of clothing items to offer students that may be in need. Please make your advisor aware of any clothing need that you may have or contact Mary Cruise.
Community Referrals
Metro can assist students and families with getting connected to a wide range of community agencies/services. Services include but are not limited to:
- Mental health counseling
- Substance abuse counseling/treatment
- Assistance getting food stamps, health insurance, etc.
- Assistance with replacement social security cards and birth certificates.