METRO’s STEAM Academy provides opportunities for students to engage in community and project-based learning opportunities. Students are involved with tours with many community partners. Students can earn science, social studies, and elective credit in this hands-on class. Each quarter offers a variety of projects for students to choose from or students can work with a teacher to create their own project. The 2023-2024 school year will bring the addition of an Agricultural component with the addition of a Greenhouse on the Metro campus.

Metro Greenhouse Project

September 21, 2021– STEAM Academy teachers kicked off our marquee project of the year with an announcement to students of the two grants the Academy received to bring to life the addition of a greenhouse to our school space. The project visions a full-size educational and commercial greenhouse attached to the East side of the building on the site of the building’s current garden space. Community partners from Neumann Monson Architects , Feed Iowa First, the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, and the NewBo City Market helped celebrate and lead groups of students in brainstorming sessions around design, layout, fundraising, and entrepreneurial products the greenhouse could generate. We are so appreciative of the initial support provided for this project. In early summer we were notified that our STEAM Academy was selected by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council as a model #STEMBEST program and awarded a $25,000 grant towards the project. In late summer we were notified that our project received an additional $25,000 in matching funds from the Wellmark Foundation.