Metro’s library contains about 5,000 books, including a non-fiction and fiction section, and smaller collections, such as graphic novels and the Bluford Series. Stop by the library to see all these books or use the online catalog to search for a specific book.
How to find books in the library
Metro uses the Dewey decimal system to organize and shelve books. All library books have a call number on the book’s spineāthe call number identifies the book and its place on the shelf.
- Non-fiction books are organized/shelved by call numbers 000 up to 999
- Fiction books are organized/shelved by call numbers that are alphabetical (the first three letters of the author’s last name)
Non-fiction call numbers are defined by the Dewey decimal system. The ten main classes are:
- 000: Computer science, information, and general works
- 100: Philosophy and psychology
- 200: Religion
- 300: Social sciences
- 400: Language
- 500: Science
- 600: Technology
- 700: Arts and recreation
- 800: Literature
- 900: History and geography
Fiction is shelved or arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name (the first three letters). For example, the fiction section books by Adams have the call numbers FIC Ada, the fiction section books by Walter Dean Myers have the call numbers FIC Mye, and the fiction section books by Zusak have the call numbers FIC Zus.
Online Library resources and databases
WorldCat: Library catalogs from around the world, including local colleges and universities
Cedar Rapids Public Library: CRCSD students may use their student ID as a library cardMackinvia Ebook and audiobook resource from GWAEA (login needed)
Metro Library Network Ebook and audiobook resource from CRPL (library number login needed
Iowa AEA Online: Online articles and databases
Teen Health and Wellness: Answers to teen question
The Purdue Writing Lab: Writing resource and style guides
EasyBib: Citation generator
Shmoop: Test prep, homework help, and teacher resources
Driving-Tests.org: Practice driving tests
DMV Permit Test
Iowa DOT practice test
Grant Wood AEA online resources through Classlink: Free and unlimited access at home, work, or school for students and staff. These resources are accessed through ClassLink.
Technology Information
Technology resources
Student usernames
Usernames begin with two random numbers and some form of first initials and last name. If you forget your permanent username, ask library staff for help. A student keeps the same username as long as they are a student in Cedar Rapids Community School District.
Student devices
A Chromebook will be issued to each high school student. Information about student devices, including the high school student device agreement, can be found here.
Student passwords
Passwords have to be eight digits and use three of these four items:
a lowercase letter
a CAPITAL letter
a number
a symbol, such as %&^*
Passwords must be changed occasionally to keep profiles secure. Examples of passwords: Sh123456, CARs2324, !Octobe7.
Canvas from home
- Open Canvas
- Log in using your CRCSD email (your username with @crschools.us added) and your current password
- If you have issues logging in you may need to update your password or check your Canvas address